Pushpa 2: The Rule box office collection According to the website, on the second Thursday of the film’s release, Pushpa 2: The Rule made approximately ₹15.97 crore net at the box office in India, bringing its total to around ₹988.92 crore net. The film collected ₹725.8 crore net in its first-week run, bringing in ₹36.4 crore on its second Friday. Pushpa 2: The Rule saw a 73.90% jump during the weekend, bringing in ₹63.3 crore on Saturday and ₹76.6 crore on Sunday. Over the week, it made ₹26.95 crore, ₹23.35 crore and ₹20.55 crore on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The film made over ₹1508 crore gross worldwide in 14 days.
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