Shark Tank India has returned for its fourth season, premiering on January 6, 2025, exclusively on SonyLiv. This season promises to deliver exciting pitches from entrepreneurs and insightful evaluations from a diverse panel of judges, known as "sharks." The show continues to inspire budding entrepreneurs across India by providing a platform for innovative ideas and investment opportunities.
Judges List for Season 4
The panel for Shark Tank India Season 4 features a mix of returning favorites and new faces, ensuring a rich blend of expertise and perspectives. Here’s the complete list of sharks:
Notable Changes
This season sees the absence of some familiar faces like Amit Jain and Vineeta Singh, while new sharks Kunal Bahl and Viraj Bahl join the existing panel. This shift aims to introduce fresh insights into the entrepreneurial pitches presented on the show
Format and Viewing Details
Shark Tank India Season 4 will air new episodes from Monday to Friday at 8 PM IST on SonyLiv. The show format remains consistent with previous seasons, where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to the sharks in hopes of securing investment. The interactions promise to be dynamic, with each shark bringing their unique expertise to evaluate the pitches
As Shark Tank India enters its fourth season, viewers can expect an engaging mix of innovation, mentorship, and investment opportunities. The diverse panel of sharks is set to provide valuable feedback to aspiring entrepreneurs while showcasing their own business acumen. With a focus on impactful investments and groundbreaking ideas, this season is poised to be one of the most exciting yet